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Actual. nutr ; 24(1): 32-40, ener. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426231


Introducción: El consumo de bebidas analcohólicas ha aumentado. Médicos y enfermeros resultan estratégicos para promocionar cambios en el estilo de vida. Objetivos: Establecer: la prevalencia de consumo habitual de bebidas analcohólicas comerciales entre médicos y enfermeros, la percepción del carácter saludable, la asociación entre percepción y consumo, y si las técnicas de mercadeo social modifican la percepción y los cambios de hábitos de hidratación. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron médicos y enfermeros de las salas de internación. Completaron una encuesta sobre consumo habitual y percepción del carácter saludable de las bebidas. Se realizaron dos intervenciones educativas nutricionales. Al mes, se aplicó un cuestionario sobre percepción y, a quienes refirieron consumo habitual, una encuesta para evaluar cambios de hábitos de hidratación (Prochaska). Diseño Cuasi-experimental, antes/después. Estadística descriptiva (tendencia central y dispersión; frecuencias y proporciones). Estadística inferencial (chi2 significancia del 0,05, Stata 14). Resultados: De los 105 encuestados se observó un consumo habitual: 72,4% (76). Previa a la intervención: el 85,7% (90) consideró no saludable a las gaseosas con azúcar; siendo menor para jugos (59-56,2%) y aguas saborizadas con azúcar (52-49,5%). En su versión sin azúcar consideraron no saludables a: gaseosas 33,3% (35), jugos comerciales 20% (21), y aguas saborizadas 17,1% (18). Dentro de la variedad sin azúcar, quienes consumían gaseosas, jugos y aguas saborizadas, tuvieron una percepción significativamente más saludable: p 0,046, p 0,006 y p 0,0001 respectivamente. Pos intervención, hubo diferencias significativas en la percepción en todos los grupos de bebidas excepto en las gaseosas con azúcar (p 0,190). Entre quienes consumían habitualmente, 60,5% (46) respondió haber iniciado cambios en su hidratación. Conclusiones: La intervención educativa generó cambios en la percepción y en hábitos no saludables. Existe la necesidad de instaurar herramientas innovadoras y espacios sostenidos de educación nutricional para profesionales, teniendo en cuenta su importante rol en la transmisión de conocimientos a los pacientes

Introduction: The consumption of non-alcoholic beverages has increased. Doctors and nurses are strategic in promoting changes in lifestyle. Objectives: To establish: the prevalence of habitual consumption of commercial non-alcoholic beverages among doctors and nurses, perception of healthy character, association between perception and consumption, whether social marketing techniques modify perception, changes in hydration habits. Materials and methods: Physicians and nurses from the hospitalization wards were included. They completed a survey on habitual consumption and perception of the healthy nature of beverages. Two nutritional educational interventions were carried out. After a month, a questionnaire on perception was applied and, to those who reported habitual consumption, a survey to evaluate changes in hydration habits (Prochaska). Quasi-experimental design, before/after. Descriptive statistics (central tendency and dispersion; frequencies and proportions). Inferential statistics (chi2 significance of 0.05, Stata 14). Results: Of the 105 respondents, habitual consumption was observed: 72.4% (76). Before the intervention: 85.7% (90) considered soft drinks with sugar unhealthy; being lower for juices (59-56.2%) and flavored waters with sugar (52-49.5%). In its version without sugar, they considered unhealthy: soft drinks 33.3% (35), commercial juices 20% (21), and flavored waters 17.1% (18). Within the sugar-free variety, those who consumed soft drinks, juices and flavored waters had a significantly healthier perception: p 0.046, p 0.006 and p 0.0001 respectively. Post-intervention, there were significant differences in perception in all beverage groups except soft drinks with sugar (p 0.190). Of those who regularly consumed, 60.5% (46) responded that they had initiated changes in their hydration. Conclusions: The educational intervention generated changes in perception and in unhealthy habits. There is a need to establish innovative tools and sustained spaces for nutritional education for professionals, taking into account their important role in transmitting knowledge to patients

Humans , Carbonated Beverages , Food and Nutrition Education , Social Marketing , Habits
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 498-507, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1397150


La alta prevalencia de desgaste dental erosivo producido por la ingestión frecuente de bebidas gaseosas, se ha convertido en uno de los principales problemas de salud bucal en niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, cuyo tratamiento deviene en desafío para los profesionales de la salud. La investigación se propuso evaluar el efecto erosivo exógeno de las bebidas gaseosas, sobre el tejido dentario mediante el proceso de termociclado in vitro, en el que se sometieron 50 premolares extraídos a la experiencia de exposición a una bebida gaseosa, bajo condiciones de experimentación, resultando una diferencia significativa entre el peso inicial pre termociclado en cada pieza y el peso final obtenido después del proceso, lo cual demuestra el efecto negativo del consumo de bebidas gaseosas. En ese mismo sentido, y como parte de esta investigación, se evaluó los efectos beneficiosos de los probióticos como la L-alanina como suplemento de las bacterias beneficiosas a la salud bucal como el Lactobalilos rhamnosus GG que logran detener el avance de bacterias patógenas y oportunistas como el Streptococcus mutans. Los resultados mostraron que a medida que aumenta la concentración del probiótico, mayor es la disminución del número de unidades formadoras de colonias y de las biopelículas de Streptococcus mutans. Además, la investigación aborda la percepción del riesgo en estudiantes, de ingestión de bebidas gaseosas en la erosión dentaria y los criterios que sobre el tema tienen sus profesores tutores(AU)

The high prevalence of erosive dental wear caused by the frequent ingestion of soft drinks has become one of the main oral health problems in children, adolescents and young adults, whose treatment becomes a challenge for health professionals. The research aimed to evaluate the exogenous erosive effect of soft drinks on dental tissue through the in vitro thermocycling process, in which 50 extracted premolars were subjected to the experience of exposure to a soft drink, under experimental conditions, resulting in a significant difference between the initial pre-thermocycling weight in each piece and the final weight obtained after the process, which demonstrates the negative effect of the consumption of soft drinks. In that same sense, and as part of this research, the beneficial effects of probiotics such as L-alanine were evaluated as a supplement for beneficial bacteria for oral health such as Lactobalilos rhamnosus GG, which manage to stop the advance of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans. The results showed that as the concentration of the probiotic increases, the decrease in the number of colony-forming units and biofilms of Streptococcus mutans is greater. In addition, the research addresses the perception of risk in students, of ingestion of soft drinks in dental erosion and the criteria that their tutor teachers have on the subject(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Arginine , Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus , Tooth Wear , Bacteria , Tooth Erosion , Carbonated Beverages , Oral Health , Probiotics , Eating
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 16(2): 135-139, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525502


Los bezoares han estado presentes en la historia de la medicina desde sus inicios, si bien su incidencia es baja y suelen detectarse de manera incidental, es importante tener opciones menos invasivas para su tratamiento debido a que la endoscopia digestiva alta (EDA) no está siempre disponible en todos los centros y, además, muchas veces no logra ser resolutiva debido al tamaño y/o composición del bezoar. En este reporte se presenta el caso de una paciente que, en el contexto de un posible síndrome de CREST, presentó un fitobezoar que fue disuelto con Coca-Cola®, un elemento ampliamente disponible alrededor del mundo, por lo que podría incluso llegar a considerarse como primera línea dentro del manejo no invasivo.

Bezoars have been present in the history of medicine since its inception, although their incidence is low and they are usually detected incidentally, it is important to have less invasive options for their treatment because upper digestive endoscopy (EDA) is not always available in all centers and, moreover, often fails to resolve due to the size and/or composition of the bezoar. This report presents the case of a patient who, in the context of a possible CREST syndrome, presented a phytobezoar that was dissolved with Coca-Cola®, an element widely available around the world, for which reason it could even be considered as the first line of non-invasive management.

Humans , Female , Aged , Bezoars/therapy , Bezoars/diagnostic imaging , Carbonated Beverages
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422254


Abstract Objective: To assess and evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding the consumption of carbonated drinks among dental students. Carbonated drinks are pervaded by carbon dioxide and have more adverse effects since they are acidic in nature. Nowadays, these are consumed more widely globally, causing many systemic diseases; diabetes and obesity are common. Material and Methods: This study includes 204 individuals belonging to the age group of 18-26 years. A self-structured objective type cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of dental students regarding carbonated drinks. The participants were instructed to mark the most appropriate correct answer from the given list of close-ended type questions. Results: Of 204 dental students, the study population includes 125 female and 79 male students. 98.5% of the students knew about carbonated drinks, while 1.5% were unaware. Conclusion: Most participants preferred to have carbonated drinks even with their awareness about the ill effects of these drinks. Possible implications by the government authorities may probably increase awareness among the population (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students, Dental , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Drinking Behavior , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Odovtos (En línea) ; 23(2)ago. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386539


ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of carbonated beverage on the surface microhardness of two acrylic materials used to fabricate temporary restorations. The study was experimental in vitro. Forty blocks of acrylic resins used in provisional restorations were made, 20 from Alike® (GC AMERICA INC., Lot 1712161) and 20 from Acryptemp® (Zhermack S.P.A., Lot 302334). After that, the blocks were immersed in distilled water for 24 hours. After this time, the initial surface microhardness was measured. Then the 20 samples of the experimental group were immersed in a carbonated drink (coca cola - soda) for 12 minutes per day, for 5 days. Finally, the final surface microhardness was measured using the Vickers microdurometer. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were used, and the Student's t test and ANOVA were performed. A mean surface microhardness of 8.8 and 7.2HV was found for the PMMA resin group (Initial and final respectively), and 9.5 and 8HV for the bisacrylate group. Statistically significant differences were found when comparing the beginning and end of each group and when comparing the two materials. The acrylic resin of polymethylmethacrylate (Alike® GC AMERICA INC.) Presented higher surface microhardness compared to the bis acrylic resin (Acrytemp® Zhermack S.P.A), after being exposed to a carbonated drink.

RESUMEN: El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar el efecto de la bebida carbonatada en la microdureza superficial de dos materiales acrílicos utilizados para confeccionar restauraciones provisionales. El estudio fue experimental in vitro. Se confeccionaron 40 bloques de resinas acrílicas utilizadas en provisorios, 20 de Alike® (GC AMERICA INC., Lote 1712161) y 20 de Acryptemp® (Zhermack S.P.A., Lote 302334). Posterior a ello, se sumergió los bloques en agua destilada por 24 horas. Pasado este tiempo se procedió a medir la microdureza superficial inicial. Luego las 20 muestras del grupo experimental se sumergieron en una bebida carbonatada (coca cola-gaseosa) durante 12 minutos por día, durante 5 días. Por último se midió la microdureza superficial final mediante el microdurómetro de Vickers. Se utilizaron medidas de tendencia central, dispersión y se realizaron la prueba t de Student y ANOVA. Se encontró una microdureza superficial media de 8,8 y 7,2HV para el grupo de resina PMMA (Inicial y final respectivamente), y 9,5 y 8HV para el grupo de bisacrilato. Se halló diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar el inicio y final de cada grupo y al comparar los dos materiales. La resina acrílica de polimetilmetacrilato (Alike® GC AMERICA INC.) presentó mayor microdureza superficial en comparación con la resina bis acrílica (Acrytemp® Zhermack S.P.A), después de ser expuestas a una bebida carbonatada.

Acrylic Resins/analysis , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Peru , Hardness
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 21(1): 9-26, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250690


Abstract Objectives: to perform a systematic review of studies that investigated the influence of ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption during pregnancy on child's anthropometric parameters up to one year of life. Methods: cohort and cross-sectional studies were researched in BVS, Cinahl, Cochrane, Embase, Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science databases until March 2020, and the main descriptors were: "Pregnant Women", "Ultra-processed foods", "Birth Weight", "Smallfor Gestational Age", "Infant", "Newborn". Results: seventeen articles were considered eligible and evaluated the associations between the exposures: ultra-processed dietary patterns; soft drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages, artificially sweetened beverages; fast food, junk food, sweets, snacks and the outcomes: birth weight and its classifications; length and head circumference at birth; birth weight adjustments according to gestational age; weight/age, length/age, body mass index/age and weight/length indices. The results showed: 36 non-significant associations between the exposures and the outcomes; 13 direct associations (outcomes versus ultraprocessed dietary patterns, soft drinks, artificially sweetened beverages, sweets, junk food) and 5 inverse associations (outcomes versus ultra-processed dietary patterns, soft drinks). Conclusions: most of the evaluated literature did not demonstrate the influence of UPF consumption during pregnancy on the newborn's anthropometric measurements up to one year of life and denoted a smaller number of direct and inverse associations between the exposures and the outcomes.

Resumo Objetivos: realizar uma revisão sistemática de estudos que investigaram a influência do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados (AUP) na gestação nas medidas antropométricas do recém-nascido até um ano de idade. Métodos: foram pesquisados estudos de coorte e transversais nas bases BVS, Cinahl, Cochrane, Embase, Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science até março de 2020, tendo como principais descritores: "Pregnant women", "Ultra-processed foods", "Birth weight", "Small for Gestational Age", "Infant", "Newborn". Resultados: dezessete artigos foram considerados elegíveis e avaliaram as associações entre as exposições: padrões alimentares ultraprocessados; refrigerantes, sugar-sweetened beverages ou artificially sweetened beverages; fastfood, junkfood, doces e snacks e os desfe-chos:peso ao nascer e suas classificações; comprimento e perímetro cefálico ao nascimento; adequações do peso ao nascer segundo idade gestacional; e índices peso/idade, compri-mento/idade, índice de massa corporal/idade e peso/comprimento. Foram encontradas: 36 associações nulas entre exposições e desfechos avaliados; 13 diretas (desfechos versus padrões alimentares ultraprocessados, refrigerantes, artificially sweetened beverages, doces e junkfood) e 5 inversas (desfechos versus padrões alimentares ultraprocessados e refrigerantes). Conclusões: a maioria da literatura avaliada não demonstrou influência do consumo de AUP na gestação nas medidas antropométricas do recém-nascido até um ano de vida e apontou um menor número de associações diretas e inversas entre as exposições e os desfechos analisados.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Birth Weight , Anthropometry , Eating , Maternal Nutrition , Feeding Behavior , Fast Foods , Candy , Carbonated Beverages , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cohort Studies , Prenatal Nutrition
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(1): 233-253, mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154321


Abstract This paper argues that many of the foundations and trends that led to the rise in obesity and other diet-related health problems in Latin America began to develop in the late nineteenth century. The tendency towards presentism in the nutrition transition literature provides a much abbreviated and limited history of changes in diet and weight. Whereas medical and nutrition researchers have tended to emphasize the recent onset of the crisis, a historical perspective suggests that increasingly global food sourcing prompted changes in foodways and a gradual "fattening" of Latin America. This paper also provides a methodological and historiographic exploration of how to historicize the nutrition transition, drawing on a diverse array of sources from pre-1980 to the present.

Resumo Este trabalho argumenta que fundamentos e tendências que levaram ao aumento da obesidade e de outros problemas de saúde relacionados à alimentação na América Latina começaram a surgir no final do século XIX. A propensão ao presentismo na literatura sobre transição nutricional produz uma história abreviada e limitada das mudanças em alimentação e peso. Embora pesquisadores médicos e nutricionistas enfatizem a recente instalação da crise, uma perspectiva histórica sugere que fontes alimentares crescentemente globalizadas resultaram em mudanças na alimentação e em gradual "aumento de gordura" na população latino-americana. O artigo propõe ainda a exploração metodológica e historiográfica de como historicizar a transição nutricional recorrendo a fontes pré-1980 até o momento.

Humans , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Diet/history , Obesity/history , Carbonated Beverages/history , Advertising/history , Diet/trends , Sugar-Sweetened Beverages/history , Latin America , Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Obesity/etiology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(2): 625-636, fev. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153773


Resumo Objetivou-se identificar os padrões de consumo alimentar e os fatores associados em crianças menores de dois anos no Brasil. Estudo transversal, de base populacional, utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde realizada em 2013. O consumo alimentar foi mensurado por questões dicotômicas, listando os alimentos, considerando apenas o dia anterior à entrevista. Os padrões foram identificados por meio de análise de componentes principais. Utilizou-se regressão de Poisson para obtenção de razão de prevalência bruta e ajustada. Considerou-se o efeito de delineamento amostral nas análises que foram estratificadas de acordo com a idade. Dentre as 5.052 crianças, foram identificados três padrões, sendo denominados como: "padrão de consumo de alimentos saudáveis", "padrão de consumo de leites" e "padrão de consumo de alimentos não saudáveis". Observou-se associação entre os padrões em cada faixa etária, principalmente com cor da pele, sexo, escolaridade do chefe da família, zona de residência e região. Um quarto das crianças de 12 a 23 meses ingeriu refrigerantes, mais de um terço sucos artificiais e quase metade doces no dia anterior à entrevista. Foram identificados três padrões alimentares, além de observar introdução alimentar precoce em crianças menores de seis meses de idade.

Abstract The scope of this paper was to identify patterns of food consumption and associated factors among children under two years of age in Brazil. It involved a cross-sectional, population-based study using data from the National Health Survey conducted in 2013. Food consumption was measured by dichotomous questions, listing the food ingested solely on the day prior to the interview. The patterns were identified through principal component analysis. Poisson regression was used to obtain a crude and adjusted prevalence ratio. The sample design effect was considered in the analyses that were stratified according to age. Among the 5,052 children, three patterns were identified, being defined as: a "healthy food consumption pattern," a "milk consumption pattern" and an "unhealthy food consumption pattern." There was an association between the patterns in each age group, mainly related to skin color, gender, schooling of the head of the family, area of residence and region. A quarter of the children from 12 to 23 months consumed soft drinks, more than a third drank artificial juices and almost half ate candies the day before the interview. Three dietary patterns were identified, besides observing early food ingestion among children under six months of age.

Humans , Infant , Child , Carbonated Beverages , Milk , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Diet , Feeding Behavior
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e182579, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344712


Enteroliths are concretions of minerals that cause partial or total obstruction of the intestinal lumen, resulting in recurrent and chronic colic in horses. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the in vitro solvent effect of carbonated beverages (Coca-Cola® and Coca-Cola® Zero), and papain and cellulase enzymes (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA) on enteroliths obtained from horses. Six 51-grams-samples of six enteroliths were assigned to six treatments of immersion solutions: T1, Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: distilled water + papain (90 mg) and cellulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papain and cellulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papain and cellulase; and, CT: distilled water (control). The volume for immersion in the assigned solution was 150 mL, at a pH of 7.1, using an incubation shaker (Heidolph®, Germany) at 37ºC and 25 rpm, for 72 h. The evaluation periods of the dissolution percentage (difference between the initial weight and final weight of the samples), were 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 h. After 72 h of immersion, solutions T4, T5, and T1 presented 47, 38.8, and 14.9% of dissolution, respectively. The other solutions did not have major differences with CT (control). Under the in vitro conditions of this pilot study, papain and cellulase enzymes potentiated the dissolving effect of the carbonated solutions on the enteroliths obtained from horses. Further studies are suggested since the existing literature is on the dissolution of phytobezoars and not of enteroliths.(AU)

Enterólitos são concreções de minerais que causam obstrução parcial ou total do lume intestinal, resultando em cólica crônica e recorrente nos cavalos. Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo avaliar in vitro o efeito dissolvente sobre os enterólitos das bebidas carbonatadas (Coca-Cola® e Coca-Cola® Zero) e a solução à base das enzimas papaína e celulase (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA). Seis (6) amostras de seis (6) enterólitos de 51gramas de peso foram distribuídas em seis tratamentos de imersão: T1: Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: água destilada + papaína (90 mg) e celulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papaína e celulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papaína e celulase; e, CT: água destilada (controle). O volume das soluções de imersão foi de 150 mL, com pH de 7.1, usando um shaker de incubação (Heidolph®, Germany) com 37ºC e 25 rpm, durante 72 horas. A avaliação dos períodos da porcentagem de dissolução (diferenças entre o peso inicial e o peso final das amostras) foram 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 e 72 h. Depois de 72 h de imersão, as soluções T4, T5 e T1 apresentaram 47, 38,8 e 14,9% de dissolução, respectivamente. As outras soluções não tiveram diferenças com relação ao CT (controle). Nas condições in vitro deste estudo piloto, as enzimas papaína e celulase potenciam o efeito dissolvente das bebidas carbonatadas sobre os enterólitos obtidos de cavalos. Mais estudos são sugeridos, uma vez que só existe literatura sobre a dissolução de fitobezoares e não de enterólitos.(AU)

Animals , In Vitro Techniques , Carbonated Beverages , Horses , Intestinal Obstruction
Archives of Orofacial Sciences ; : 177-189, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962302


ABSTRACT@#This study aimed to determine the fluoride and pH levels of beverages likely to be consumed by children in Malaysia and to estimate daily fluoride intake from consumption of these beverages. A convenience sampling of 120 ready-to-drink beverages were purchased and categorised into 11 groups (UHT recombined milk, fresh milk [pasteurised], cultured milk [probiotic], yogurt beverages, fresh fruit juices, fruit flavoured beverages, soy-based beverages, malt-based beverages, tea, carbonated beverages and bottled waters). Fluoride concentration was measured using a fluoride ion-selective electrode while the pH level was measured using a pH meter. The fluoride concentration in the beverages ranged from 0.02±0.00 mg/L to 2.77±0.06 mg/L. Tea was found to have the highest fluoride concentration. The intake of fluoride from consumption of other types of beverages is below the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (except tea). The pH of the beverages included in the study ranged from 2.20±0.01 to 7.76±0.00. Carbonated beverages (mean pH: 2.98±0.50) were found to be extremely acidic followed by fresh fruit juices (mean pH: 3.38±0.34) and fruit flavoured beverages (mean pH: 3.90±0.92). The correlation between fluoride and pH levels was weak, τ = 0.058 and not statistically significant (p < 0.35). The majority of the beverages had a low fluoride level and their consumption is unlikely to cause fluorosis except for tea. Almost half of the beverages had a low pH level with carbonated beverages being the most acidic.

Fluoridation , Carbonated Beverages , Dental Care for Children , Acid-Base Imbalance
Actual. osteol ; 17(2): 69-77, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1370075


El calcio (Ca) es un nutriente crítico para la salud, especialmente en los períodos de crecimiento. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los individuos argentinos no alcanzan la ingesta diaria recomendada. Por su parte, el fósforo (P) es un nutriente cuya ingesta suele estar por encima de la recomendada. Este tipo de desequilibrio en la ingesta de ambos nutrientes conlleva a una pérdida de masa ósea. El consumo de bebidas analcohólicas (BA) se ha incrementado en los últimos años, sobre todo en la población infantil, desplazando el consumo de agua y lácteos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el aporte de Ca y P a partir de BA diferentes de agua. Se evaluaron 59 muestras, cuya mediana y rango de Ca fue de 7,74 [0,00 a 111,29] mg/l y de P 55,17 [0,16 a 957,00] mg/l. Los jugos en polvo son los que mayor contenido de Ca presentaron y las bebidas deportivas aquellas donde se halló el mayor contenido de P. Considerando un consumo de 500 ml/día de BA se estarían incorporando 3,87 mg Ca y 27,59 mg P. El creciente consumo de BA, su bajo contenido de Ca y la concomitante reducción del consumo de lácteos contribuyen a una inadecuada ingesta de Ca. (AU)

Calcium (Ca) is a critical nutrient, especially during periods of growth. However, the majority of Argentine individuals do not reach the recommended daily intake. On the other hand, phosphorus (P) is a nutrient with an intake usually above the recommended values. This type of imbalance between the intake of the nutrients leads to loss of bone mass. Soft drinks consumption (BA) has increased in recent years, especially in children, displacing the consumption of water and dairy products. The aim of this work was to estimate the Ca and P content in BA other than water. 59 samples were evaluated, with a median and range of Ca of 7.74 [0.00 to 111.29] mg/l and of P of 55.17 [0.16 to 957.00] mg/l. Powdered juices are the ones with the highest Ca content, and sports drinks are the beverages in which the highest P content was found. Based on a BA consumption of 500 ml/day, 3.87 mg Ca and 27.59 mg P would be incorporated. Therefore, the increased consumption of BA, their low Ca content, and the concomitant reduction in dairy consumption contribute to an inadequate intake of Ca. (AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Phosphates/analysis , Carbonated Beverages/statistics & numerical data , Calcium/analysis , Juices , Argentina , Quality Control , Calcium, Dietary , Growth and Development , Recommended Dietary Allowances
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 34: e200127, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351571


ABSTRACT Objectives To estimate the frequency of food insecurity in households with and without children/adolescents; compare food expenses, sugar and soft drinks consumption in these households; and to analyze the relationship between food insecurity and demographic/socioeconomic variables with food expenses, and sugar and soft drinks consumption in households with and without children/adolescents. Methods Cross-sectional study with 628 households in Campinas, SP, Brazil. Food insecurity was estimated by the Brazilian Household Food Insecurity Measurement Scale. The dependent variables were the proportion of food expenses, and consumption of sugar and soft drinks; and the independent ones included food security/insecurity condition, monthly family income, gender, age and education of the household head. Results The frequency of food insecurity was higher in households with children/adolescents than in households without minors (41.4% vs. 27.9%). The proportion of food expenses was higher in households with children/adolescents and in all households it was associated with lower family income and, in households with minors, to the presence of a female householder. Soft drinks consumption was higher in households with children/adolescents; and was related to higher income in all households, and to the presence of male householder in households with minors. Sugar consumption in households with children/adolescents was associated with higher income, male gender and education level of the household head (<12 years). In households without children/adolescents, the higher sugar consumption was associated with food insecurity and the household head's education (<8 years). Conclusion In households with children/adolescents there was a greater frequency of food insecurity and a greater commitment of income with food. Food insecurity was associated with increased sugar consumption in households without children/adolescents.

RESUMO Objetivos Estimar a frequência de insegurança alimentar em domicílios com e sem crianças/adolescentes; comparar o gasto com alimentos e o consumo de açúcar e de refrigerante nestes domicílios; e analisar a relação da insegurança alimentar e de variáveis demográficas/socioeconômicas com o gasto com alimentos e com o consumo de açúcar e de refrigerante em domicílios com e sem crianças/adolescentes. Métodos Estudo transversal com 628 domicílios de Campinas, SP, Brasil. A insegurança alimentar foi estimada pela Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. As variáveis dependentes foram proporção de gasto com alimentos e consumo de açúcar e refrigerante; as independentes incluíram condição de segurança/insegurança alimentar, renda familiar mensal, sexo, idade e escolaridade do chefe da família. Resultados A frequência de insegurança alimentar foi maior nos domicílios com crianças/adolescentes do que nos domicílios sem menores (41,4% vs. 27,9%). A proporção de gasto com alimentos foi superior nos domicílios com crianças/adolescentes; em todos esteve associada ao menor rendimento familiar e, nos domicílios com menores, à presença de chefe da família do sexo feminino. O consumo de refrigerante foi maior em domicílios com crianças/adolescentes, relacionou-se à maior renda em todos os domicílios e à presença de chefe da família do sexo masculino em domicílios com menores. O consumo de açúcar nos domicílios com crianças/adolescentes associou-se à maior renda, sexo masculino e escolaridade do chefe <12 anos. Nos domicílios sem crianças/adolescentes, o maior consumo de açúcar esteve associado à insegurança alimentar e à escolaridade do chefe da família <8 anos. Conclusão Nos domicílios com crianças/adolescentes, houve maior frequência de insegurança alimentar e maior comprometimento da renda com a alimentação. A insegurança alimentar associou-se ao aumento do consumo de açúcar em domicílios sem crianças/adolescentes.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Social Conditions , Carbonated Beverages , Eating , Sugars , Food Supply , Food Insecurity
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 11(1): e-220178, 2021. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1379316


Objetivos: Determinar en una muestra de adolescentes españoles sus conocimientos sobre la erosión dental y los alimentos, bebidas y hábitos alimenticios que la producen. Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por 348 adolescentes entre 12 y 17 años. Se valoró su conocimiento sobre la erosión dental y sus factores etiológicos mediante un cuestionario. Resultados: El 17,82% refirió conocer la erosión dental, el 26,44% solo había oído hablar de ella y el 62,35% pensaba erróneamente que los términos erosión y caries eran equivalentes. Al relacionar el conocimiento sobre los alimentos que producen erosión dental y la edad de los participantes se observó que el grupo de 16-17 años conocía en un porcentaje significativamente mayor la capacidad erosiva de la naranja (p<0,05), el limón (p<0,05), la fresa (p<0,01) y el kiwi (p<0,01). Esto se observó también con las bebidas gaseosas (p<0,01) y las isotónicas (p<0,01). Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimientos sobre la erosión dental es en general bajo, aumentando con la edad. La capacidad erosiva de los cítricos y de las bebidas gaseosas es más conocida entre los adolescentes que la de otros alimentos o bebidas.

Objetivos: Determinar em uma amostra de adolescentes espanhóis seu conhecimento sobre a erosão dentaria e os alimentos, as bebidas e os hábitos alimentares que a produzem. Material e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal. A amostra foi composta por 348 adolescentes entre 12 e 17 anos. O conhecimento sobre erosão dentaria e seus fatores etiológicos foi avaliada por meio de um questionário. Resultados: 17,82% relataram conhecer erosão dentaria; 26,44% tinham ouvido falar dela e 62,35% pensavam erroneamente que os termos erosão e càrie eram equivalentes. Ao relacionar o conhecimento sobre os alimentos que produzem erosão dentaria y a idade dos participantes observou-se que o grupo de 16-17 anos conhecia em uma porcentagem significativamente maior a capacidade erosiva da laranja (p<0,05), do limão (p<0,05), do morango (p<0,01) e do kiwi (p<0,01). Isto também foi observado com refrigerantes (p<0,01) e bebidas isotônicas (p<0,01). Concluções: O conhecimento sobre erosão dentaria foi geralmente baixo, aumentando com a idade. Os adolescentes conhecem melhor a capacidade erosiva de frutas cítricas e refrigerantes do que outros alimentos ou bebidas.

Objectives: To determine in a sample of Spanish adolescents their knowledge of dental erosion and the food, drinks and eating habits that produce it. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample consisted of 348 adolescents between 12 and 17 years old. Their knowledge of dental erosion and its etiological factors was assessed through a questionnaire. Results: 17.82% reported knowing dental erosion, 26.44% had only heard of it and 62.35% mistakenly thought that the terms erosion and caries were equivalent. When relating knowledge about the foods that cause dental erosion and the age of the participants, it was observed that the group of 16-17 years knew in a significantly higher percentage the erosive capacity of the orange (p <0.05), the lemon ( p <0.05), strawberry (p <0.01) and kiwi (p <0.01). This was also observed with soft drinks (p <0.01) and isotonic drinks (p <0.01). Conclusions: The level of knowledge about dental erosion was generally low, increasing with age. The erosive capacity of citrus fruits and soft drinks is better known among adolescents than that of other foods or drinks.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Tooth Erosion/etiology , Beverages/adverse effects , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Feeding Behavior , Fruit/adverse effects , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Caries , Energy Drinks/adverse effects , Food/adverse effects
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 32: e3278, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360524


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se há associação independente e combinada dos hábitos alimentares e da aptidão cardiorrespiratória com o estado nutricional de escolares. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal, com 171 crianças (86 meninos e 85 meninas) com idade de seis a 12 anos, de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre-RS. Os hábitos alimentares foram avaliados com o Inquérito de Frequência Alimentar. A aptidão cardiorrespiratória foi avaliada pelo teste de corrida/caminhada de 6 minutos. O índice de massa corporal e aptidão cardiorrespiratória foram avaliados seguindo os protocolos propostos pelo PROESP-BR. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva, modelos de regressão linear generalizada e anova de duas vias. Um maior consumo de frutas (β:-1,24; IC:-2,42 -0,06) e um menor consumo de doces (β:-1,56; IC:-2,797 -0,34) estão associados a um menor valor médio de IMC. Ainda, crianças com níveis adequados de APCR apresentaram valores inferiores de índice de massa corporal (β:- 3,11; IC:-3,93 -2,29). Quando avaliados de forma combinada, os hábitos alimentares e aptidão cardiorrespiratória exerceram maior influência sobre os valores de índice de massa corporal. Portanto, hábitos alimentares adequados e níveis satisfatórios de APCR estão associados a um adequado estado nutricional.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to verify whether there is an independent and combined association of eating habits and cardiorespiratory fitness with the nutritional status of schoolchildren. This is a cross-sectional study with 171 children (86 boys and 85 girls) aged six to 12 years, from a public school in Porto Alegre - RS. Eating habits were assessed using the Food Frequency Survey. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed by the 6-minute running / walking test. The body mass index and cardiorespiratory fitness were evaluated following the protocols proposed by PROESP-BR. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, generalized linear regression models and two-way anova were used. Higher consumption of fruits (β: -1.24; CI: -2.42 -0.06) and lower consumption of sweets (β: -1.56; CI: -2.797 -0.34) are associated with lower mean BMI value. Still, children with adequate levels of APCR had lower values ​​of body mass index (β: - 3.11; CI: -3.93 -2.29). When evaluated in a combined manner, eating habits and cardiorespiratory fitness had a greater influence on body mass index values. Therefore, adequate eating habits and satisfactory levels of CRP are associated with an adequate nutritional status.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child , Nutritional Status , Feeding Behavior , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Vegetables , Candy , Carbonated Beverages , Body Mass Index , Fruit , Fabaceae
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 54(1): e10162, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153504


It is still unknown whether excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages may be linked to gestational hypertensive disorders, other than preeclampsia. This study investigated the association between soft drink consumption and hypertension during pregnancy, analyzing the relationship from the perspective of counterfactual causal theory. Data from pregnant women of the BRISA cohort were analyzed (1,380 in São Luis and 1,370 in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil). The explanatory variable was the frequency of soft drink consumption during pregnancy obtained in a prenatal interview. The outcome was gestational hypertension based on medical diagnosis, at the time of delivery. A theoretical model of the association between soft drink consumption and gestational hypertension was constructed using a directed acyclic graph. Marginal structural models (MSM) weighted by the inverse of the probability of soft drink consumption were also employed. Using Poisson regression analysis, high soft drink consumption (≥7 times/week) was associated with gestational hypertension in São Luís (RR=1.48; 95%CI: 1.03-2.10), in Ribeirão Preto (RR=1.51; 95%CI: 1.13-2.01), and in the two cohorts combined (RR=1.45; 95%CI: 1.16-1.82) compared to lower exposure (<7 times/week). In the MSM, the association between high soft drink consumption and gestational hypertension was observed in Ribeirão Preto (RR=1.63; 95%CI: 1.21-2.19) and in the two cohorts combined (RR=1.51; 95%CI: 1.15-1.97), but not in São Luís (RR=1.26; 95%CI: 0.79-2.00). High soft drink consumption seems to be a risk factor for gestational hypertension, suggesting that it should be discouraged during pregnancy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Carbonated Beverages/adverse effects , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/etiology , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 53(3): 63-70, 20201201.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177488


Introducción: Comer saludablemente puede contribuir a disminuir la frecuencia de enfermedades crónicas evitables y a mejorar la calidad de vida en la edad avanzada. El objetivo fue describir el comportamiento alimentario de los adolescentes escolares de escuelas públicas, subvencionadas y privadas a nivel nacional. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal cuantitativo no probabilístico, como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario de la Encuesta Global de Salud Escolar, a adolescentes de 12 departamentos, la encuesta fue aplicada en marzo del 2017, fueron incluidos 3149 estudiantes matriculados sistemáticamente con una probabilidad proporcional a los grados Octavo-Tercer curso. Resultados: El comportamiento alimentario se caracterizó por el bajo consumo de frutas y verduras en porciones de cinco o más veces al día que fue solo del 7,5%. El 61,7% consumieron bebidas gaseosas azucaradas una o más veces al día, y 15% de los estudiantes consumieron tres días o más comidas rápidas en los últimos 7 días. Conclusión: El comportamiento alimentario de los adolescentes se caracteriza por un elevado consumo de los alimentos marcadores de una alimentación no saludable con mayor proporción entre los más jóvenes.

Introduction: Eating healthy can help reduce preventable chronic diseases and improve quality of life in old age. The objective was to describe the eating habits of school adolescents from public, subsidized and private schools nationwide. Materials and Methods: It is a non-probabilistic quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study, the instrument used was the Global School Health Survey, for adolescents from 12 departments, the survey was applied in March 2017. 3149 systematically enrolled students were included with a proportional probability to grades Eight-Third year. Results: The eating behavior was characterized by the low consumption of fruits and vegetables in portions of five or more times a day, which was only 7.5%. 61.7% consumed sugary soft drinks one or more times a day, and 15% of the students consumed fast foods three or more days a week. Conclusion: The eating behavior of adolescents is characterized by a high consumption of foods that are markers of an unhealthy diet, with a higher proportion among the youngest.

Carbonated Beverages , Food , Chronic Disease , Surveys and Questionnaires , Health Surveys
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 70(4): 255-262, dic. 2020. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1247636


A adolescência é um período de diversas transformações, sendo observadas mudanças em relação à nutrição, que podem resultar em excesso de peso corporal. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre excesso de peso corporal e consumo de refrigerante em adolescentes escolares estratificado por sexo. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com estudantes do ensino médio. Utilizou-se um questionário autoaplicável. A variável desfecho foi a mediana do escore de IMC (eutrófico e excesso de peso) e o consumo de refrigerante foi a variável de exposição principal. Foi utilizado o modelo de Poisson, estratificado por sexo. Participaram do estudo 1.225 adolescentes, 53,4% do sexo feminino e 15,6% consumiam refrigerante diariamente. Nos adolescentes eutróficos não houve associação de consumo de refrigerantes e zIMC. Nos meninos com excesso de peso e consumo de refrigerante mais de duas vezes na semana apresentaram maior chance de estarem acima da mediana de zIMC. Os resultados apontaram que o consumo diário de refrigerantes por adolescentes do sexo masculino com excesso de peso pode aumentar as chances de ter zIMC ainda mais alto, reforçando assim, a necessidade de medidas que visem a redução do consumo de refrigerante(AU)

Adolescence is a period of several changes, with changes related to nutrition, which can result in excess body weight. Thus, the study aimed to verify the association between excess body weight and soft drink consumption in school adolescents stratified by sex. This is a cross-sectional study, carried out with high school students. A self-administered questionnaire was used. The outcome variable was the median BMI score (eutrophic and overweight) and soft drink consumption was the main exposure variable. The Poisson model, stratified by sex, was used. The sample consisted of 1,225 adolescents, which 53.4% were female and 15.6% consumed soft drinks daily. In eutrophic adolescents, there was no association between consumption of soft drinks and the BMI Z-score. In overweight boys and soda consumption more than twice a week, they were more likely to be above the BMI Z-score median. The results showed that the daily consumption of soft drinks by overweight male adolescents may increase the chances of having even higher BMI Z-score, thus reinforcing the need for measures aimed at reducing the consumption of soft drinks(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Body Weight , Carbonated Beverages , Body Mass Index , Adolescent Nutrition , Feeding Behavior , Cardiovascular Diseases , Public Health , Diabetes Mellitus , Obesity
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 3(2): 116-121, ago.12, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1117155


El consumo de bebidas carbonatadas es común a nivel mundial. En El Salvador es frecuente en la dieta de la población; sin embargo, algunos de sus componentes pueden ser responsables de afectar la salud. Objetivo. Evaluar los efectos a la salud de dos bebidas carbonatadas administradas continuamente durante 10 semanas a ratones experimentales. Metodología. Se utilizaron 12 ratones distribuidos en 3 grupos de 4 ratones cada uno; un control y dos experimentales, para administrar dos bebidas carbonatadas azucaradas de alto consumo dentro de la población salvadoreña por vía intragástrica. Resultados. Los chequeos clínicos presentaron alteraciones en algunos aspectos evaluados, como deshidratación, piloerección y diarrea. En peso corporal, hubo diferencias entre el grupo control y los experimentales. En la evaluación macroscópica de los órganos, los grupos tratados sufrieron irregularidades, tanto en la apariencia como en el color, aunque en su peso no existieron diferencias, a excepción del riñón derecho del grupo tratado con bebida carbonatada 1. La química sanguínea mostró únicamente diferencia en el colesterol total del grupo tratado con bebida carbonatada 2. Conclusión. La apariencia de los ratones tratados con bebidas carbonatadas mostró daños a la salud, principalmente el daño provocado en la apariencia de los órganos internos

Currently, the consumption of carbonated beverages is very common worldwide. In El Salvador it is frequent in the diet of the population; while some constituent components may be responsible for affecting health. Objective. To assess the health effects of two carbonated beverages administered continuously for 10 weeks to experimental mice. Methodology. Two carbonated beverages with high consumption sugar were chosen within the Salvadoran population. In this study 12 mice distributed in 3 groups of 4 mice each were used; one control and two experimental. The substances were administered intragastrically. Results. The clinical check-ups showed alterations in some aspects evaluated, such as dehydration, piloerection and diarrhea. In body weight, there were significant differences between the control and the experimental group. In the macroscopic evaluation of the organs, the treated groups suffered from certain irregularities, both in appearance and color, although there were no differences in weight, except for the right kidney of the group treated with carbonated beverage 1. Blood chemistry showed only

Animals , Mice , Carbonated Beverages , Impacts of Polution on Health , El Salvador
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(7): 2529-2540, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133059


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a tendência temporal e os fatores associados ao consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre adultos no Brasil. Estudo desenvolvido a partir de dados secundários do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico, realizado com adultos brasileiros entre 2007-2014. Foi verificada a frequência e a intensidade do consumo (quantidade de copos ou latas por semana) de refrigerante ou suco artificial. Dados sociodemográficos e comportamentais foram as variáveis independentes. A tendência temporal do consumo anual foi avaliada por meio de Regressão Linear. Os fatores associados (idade, sexo, região, trabalho, escolaridade, hábito de assistir TV) ao consumo dessas bebidas foram investigados por Regressão de Poisson. Houve redução de 32,7% do consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre 2007 e 2014. Os fatores associados ao maior consumo foram: sexo masculino (p = 0,000); faixa etária de 18-29 anos (p = 0,000); residência nas regiões centro-oeste, sudeste e sul (p = 0,000); menor escolaridade (p = 0,616); estar empregado (p = 0,007) e assistir TV mais de 3 horas por dia (p = 0,000). As análises descrevem uma tendência de queda no consumo de refrigerante ou suco artificial entre os adultos no Brasil de 2007 a 2014.

Abstract The scope of this article is to analyze the time-series trend and factors associated with the consumption of soft drinks or packaged fruit juices among adults in Brazil. It is a study based on secondary data from the System of Surveillance of Risk Factors and Protection for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey conducted among Brazilian adults between 2007 and 2014. The consumption frequency and intensity (number of cups or cans per week) of soda or packaged juice was checked. Socio-demographic and behavioral data were the independent variables. The time-series trend of annual consumption was evaluated by means of Linear Regression. The factors (age, sex, region, work, schooling and TV screen time) associated with the consumption of these beverages were investigated by Poisson regression. There was a 32.7% reduction in soft drink or packaged juice consumption between 2007 and 2014. Factors associated with higher consumption were: male sex (p = 0.000); 18-29 year-age-range (p = 0.000); residence in the central-west, southeast and southern regions (p = 0.000); lower schooling (p = 0.616); being employed (p = 0.007) and more than 3 hours of TV screen time per day (p = 0.000). The analyses describe a downward trend in the consumption of soda or packaged fruit juice among adults in Brazil from 2007 to 2014.

Beverages , Carbonated Beverages , Brazil , Risk Factors